• Ditrych, Ondrej. From Discourse to Dispositif: States and Terrorism between Marseille and the 9/11. Security Dialogue, Vol. 44 (2013), No. 3, pp. 223-240.
  • Ditrych, Ondrej, Vladimir Handl, Nik Hynek and Vit Stritecky. Understanding Havel? Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 46 (2013), No. 3, pp. 407-417.
  • Eichler, Jan. Od Hirošimy po Bělehrad: Válka a mír v druhé polovině 20. století [From Hiroshima to Belgrad: War and Peace in the Second Half of the 20th Century]. Prague: Karolinum, 2014.
  • Hynek, Nik. Coping with U.S. and EU’s Challenges? Strategic Confusion in the Czech Foreign and Security Policy. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 46 (2013), No. 3, pp. 373-385.
  • Hynek, Nik, Michal Smetana a Jan Ludvík (eds.). Nuclear Disarmament: Strategic, Political and Regional Perspectives. London: Routledge (forthcoming).
  • Nožina, Miroslav. Bosses, Soldiers and Rice Grains: Vietnamese Criminal Networks and Criminal Activities in the Czech Republic. Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 67 (forthcoming).
  • Tůma, Miroslav. Jak dál v jaderném nešíření a odzbrojování [What Next in Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament?]. Prague: Institute of International Relations, 2014.